What to expect from your treatment

With many years of experience in the massage profession we understand what it takes to provide exceptional service so here’s what you can expect to take place before, during and after your treatments:

  • Intake: We’ll discuss your goals for the treatment.
  • Assessment: We’ll look at areas of pain and Ranges of Motion (ROM)
  • Treatment: We’ll use a combination of techniques to address specific muscles that have pain and disfunction.
  • Reassess: We’ll finish by looking at increased ROM’s and decreased pain and discuss follow up strategy.

At the beginning of your session we will do a thorough Intake and listen to your input about your condition, medical history and current headache symptoms to determine how we think we can help you.

Assessment of your tissues, muscles, fascia and ROM’s will take place before, during and after your massage. We do this so we can determine what areas of the body need to be focused on so we’re not wasting your time by working on areas that don’t need to be treated and to make sure that the techniques we’re applying are effective and meeting your goals for the session.

During the Treatment we’ll be working in a specific order on the areas we discussed starting with the more superficial fascia and musculature and progressively working into the deeper layers of tissues.

At the end of the massage we’ll Reassess your ROM’s and pain levels and get your thoughts about the treatment. Your input about how you feel is very important in deciding how we move forward with follow up treatments (see, Do I need follow up treatments?)

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